The practice of remaining in a long line just to store checks and cash outside any bank is now outdated. It has happened on account of the appearance of versatile innovation. Better believe it because you heard it right!
With the beginning of mobile app development Dubai, all the banking and portable money related organizations have gone through incredible change towards progressing and redesigning innovations to live up to client’s desires.
During its underlying period of extension, mobile app development Dubai was overwhelming the world as well as came towards the fringe of the financial area and vanquished it with a blast!
In prior occasions, a bank was fruitful in the event that it had a rich office, however starting at now; it is famous among the individuals just when it has an official site where one can get to their own record without hardly lifting a finger and even with COVID-19 amidst people have completely shifted towards online banking.
· The actual difference between Mobile banking and online banking
Mobile banking application is an assistance offered by banking and other money related organizations to allow the clients to perform monetary exchanges distantly utilizing their cell phones. Not at all like web banking, it utilizes programming called application which is given by the individual money related foundation to satisfy internet banking purposes.
This is when people came to realize that the demand for banking app is soon to be skyrocketing so it is the right time to invest into it. Now let’s clear your doubt about online banking and mobile banking.
§ Is assistance that allows the conduction of money related exchanges by the clients utilizing the web§ Done through PC, internet requirement is also mandatory
§ Can be accessed online through websites, you doonot have to download the app. § Your financial accreditations are required for opening an internet banking account, |
§ Is a web-based mobile app developmentgiving by the bank to clients for executing bank exchanges by means of cell phones.§ Can be done through PC and mobile phones, internet requirement Is mandatory here too
§ Mandatory to download the particular § Banking application § Different banks permit applying versatile banking through online accounts being made. |
· Features of mobile banking in mobile app development Dubai
Now that we are aware of the difference between the two banking systems let’s focus on what features are in the banking mobile app development.
1. Security and safety for the consumer
This is definitely a top priority as the consumer wants to be secure and wants to feel connect to the bank itself. personal information is also hared, so it is very important for the bank to make sure that the consumers information is safe.
2. Simplicity
A feature which makes app prominent among digital users and also provide high end user experience. Mobile app development Dubai has led to businesses injecting so much technology into the apps that it is hard to use. So, it is advised that mobile app development Dubai should be used to enhance.
3. Appropriately Working Login/Restoration Page.
This feature can be linked to the simplicity feature that it is important to make the website as minimalistic as possible and should have a working login page.
4. Transaction History/Online Passbook
It is important to provide the consumer’s with transaction history as the consumer might not be keeping a record of the transaction leaving it on the bank to keep a check and balance. So, make sure that your mobile app development Dubai banking application has this feature.
5. Arrangement of Push Notification
This will help you keep your consumers/users updated about the latest trends and offers that the bank is offering. This helps to keep the consumer connected with the Banking app.
6. Presence of Feedback System
This feature eradicates any chances of miscommunication as immediate feedback leads to speeding up the process of complaints and confusions.
7. All around laid Integration with Social Media Channels
This is extremely important as with increasing mobile app development every social media platform is linked to one another this can also help in the better security management of your account.
8. QR/Barcode Scanner Integration
This technology has injected a new trend into the mobile app development Dubai industry with just placing the device at the top of the QR code every information being put there by the developer starts to show off and it automatically connects you with the banking services etc.
All these pointers mentioned in this article can help you develop an amazing banking application with mobile app development Dubai. Still confused about what to add to your banking application.
Contact DXB apps with just one click and clear all your misconceptions and join us on the road to sky rocketing success of mobile app development.